Monday, August 15, 2011

URIZEN Summer Update: The Final Frontier

Okay, there’s a lot to say in this update, but first things first: I am sad to announce that we must regrettably and heartbreakingly cancel our upcoming appearance at Renovation, the 69th annual WorldCon in Reno, NV. I could go on and on about the millions of things that went wrong in our camp that led to this cancellation, but the short and skinny of it is that we ran out of funds, and the 3,000+ mile round-trip drive to and from Reno was just too much gas money for our poor little hearts to conjure. I can’t even begin to describe how bad we feel for having to cancel so close to the event, and we can’t apologize enough for the fans we may have let down, or for the event organizers who will have to clean up our mess. I pride myself on almost NEVER cancelling shows, but it was very literally not possible for us to make this trip, and it kills me to admit that. In our absence, however, the convention will continue to go on, and it will be an amazing adventure, which we encourage everyone to attend!

So that's the bad news. Dealing with the reality of that situation has been very difficult for me. And the only thing keeping me from strangling myself with a1/4" cable right now is the divine intervention of a little band from Nashville, TN that some of you may have heard of... a group of auditory warriors known as The Protomen. Seeing that our now-canceled Reno trip coincided with The Protomen’s tour leg through Texas, I wiped away my shameful tears and contacted mankind’s last hope via email. Before I knew it, they had arranged for us to join them on two of their three Texas show dates, and our lives got a lot less bleak and starting approaching the realm of pure awesome once again! And so we shall fight alongside these Protomen on August 16th in Houston and on August 18th in San Antonio, and those who bear witness shall pass on stories of those nights to their children, and that oral history shall continue infinitely through the annals of time, until the sun consumes our Earth in an explosion of firey devastation. Or at the very least, everyone will have a really fun and fantastic experience, so ultimately it’s a win-win situation!

So Texas friends, come see us one last time before we retreat into URIZEN HQ for the winter, where we will prepare for you delicious musical and visual treats for the future. Send us into our self-imposed artistic seclusion with happy memories of chanting crowds and joyful smiles! We shall come creeping out again soon, stronger than ever and ready to be merry with you all once more!

-Daniel // URIZEN