As you probably read in the last blog entry, we were supposed to spend this week traveling to and from WorldCon in Reno, but had to pull out for horrible, stupid reasons (namely money). In an act of desperation last Saturday (mere days from the time we were supposed to leave for Reno), I contacted mankind's (and my) last hope, The Protomen, to see if we could join them on their latest run through the non-DFW portions of the state of Texas. To my great delight and surprise, I was contacted that night by Murphy Weller himself, and the wheels were set in motion. Before I knew it, it was Tuesday morning, and we were loading up the trailer and hitching it to the Macho Van to meet our friends The Protomen in Houston.
Tuesday, August 16 2011
With all of our previous mishaps involving overheating engines, broken air conditioners, malfunctioning windshield wipers, and blown tires, we decided to go into this final road trip of the summer with all systems operational. The A/C was fixed (goodbye, all remaining tour money!), the oil was changed, the fluids were topped off, and the trailer was outfitted with a shiny (dirty) new (used) spare tire. With the trailer packed full and the Macho Van in top operating condition, we had only one thing left to do before we could hit the road: gather supplies.
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Sorry if you were expecting a case of beer and a gallon of vodka, but it's Texas in August, mother fucker! |
This was our second time at SHFL, and I think it's safe to say that the venue is a bit... eclectic. Located on the train tracks in a mostly abandoned warehouse district just southeast of downtown Houston, Super Happy is a venue that's a little hard to swallow at first. The graffiti-covered outer walls aren't exactly inviting, and the dark, expansive insides are covered with a fairly large amount of nightmare fuel.
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Is... is that... Roseanne? |
When the Protomen finally took the stage, the place was even more packed, and the crowd was energetic and ready to rock. The Protos seemed to encounter the same sound issues that we did, and I noticed an unmasked KILROY making frequent trips back to the soundboard to try and remedy the situation. Luckily, everything seemed to even out before the end of their second song, and the rest of their set went off without a hitch.
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Thomas and Julio couldn't get enough! |
At the end of the night, we loaded up our wares and bid our ProtoFriends goodbye until we were to meet again on Thursday in San Antonio. We got a little food, then headed back to the hotel for some sleepies before heading to San Antonio in the morning.
Wednesday, August 17 2011
Wednesday was our day off between ProtoShows, so there's not much to tell. Lots of driving, and lots of laying around in an icy cool hotel room. For the second day in a row, Julio had to feed his debilitating Blizzie (aka DQ Blizzard) addiction, and I've never seen anyone so happy to ingest a delicious frozen treat.
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Not pictured: Blizzie-induced erection |
You're damn right it's Tacotote Time! |
Checkout time at the hotel was at noon, yet load-in at the club, Jack's, wasn't until 6pm, so we had a lot of time to kill. The obvious solution? Natural Bridge Caverns! Sure, we're a band on the road, but that doesn't mean we can't do tourist-y stuff every now and then. The cave itself was pretty damn cool, and the tour guide (though mostly disregarded by the rest of the tour group) had a lot of cool things to say. The tour we went on had a lot of rare formations, and a lot of odd ones, like the "cave bacon."
Thomas found the cave bacon to be irresistible! |
When the lights came back on, we found out that we were in a room they called the Cathedral room, primarily because of the formations on the wall that resembled a giant pipe organ. Giant pipe organ, you say?
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One Night Only: The Cave Gooblin |
And no, the giant fish smoking a blunt is not part of our usual stage setup... |
The Protomen must have felt the energy too, because of the half a dozen or so times I've had the pleasure of sharing the bill with them, this was by far the best performance I have ever seen them give. They ran through the entirety of Act II, which was quite a treat, but the excellent sound at Jack's made the whole affair sound massively huge ("The Father of Death" sounded like a damn bomb going off). On top of this, the band themselves were going absolutely nuts: stomping around the stage, headbanging, stage-diving, fist-pumping with such abandon that I would be surprised if at least one of them didn't suffer a bit of a dislocated shoulder! All around, it was just an amazing night of performances in front of an amazing crowd, and I couldn't have been happier to be a part of it.
After their set, I received my customary big, sweaty hug from KILROY, and after they finished signing an ungodly amount of autographs and taking an assload of pictures with assloads of fans, we all gave many hugs and high fives and smiles before heading north as they headed south. It's difficult to vocalize how thankful we are of the Protomen, and how lucky we are to be able to play with them and spend time with them and learn from them. We've played with dozens of national and international touring bands during our run so far, but never has a band been so willing to give us advice and be frank and honest about both the downsides and payoffs of following this crazy rock n' roll dream. It's an honor and a pleasure to be able to play shows with and spend time hanging out with such a fun, cool, and genuinely awesome group of people, and I look forward (as always) to our next encounter with those crazy Tennesseans known as The Protomen.
And so, with this blog entry, we officially lay to rest this crazy summer of shows known as the Expanding Universe tour. And in doing so, we shall retreat back to HQ where we will soon emerge with new music, new stories, and a new stage show to share with you all over again. Thanks once again to everyone we have met during our travels, and a huge thanks of course to everyone who has supported us in our dream, both now and in the past. This is only the beginning, faithful friends!
URIZEN Era III: coming soon!
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